
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Ep. 43 The 9 Cleansing Breaths - Breathwork for Energy and Clarity
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
The 9 Cleansing Breaths is an ancient breathing practice that has it roots in Tibetan Buddhism. The aim is to clear our main energy channels, removing stagnant energy to leave us feeling both calm and alert. This technique shares similarities to Alternate Nostril breathing, which was covered along with some of its variations in episodes 17, 35 and 37 of the podcast
If you would like more info on upcoming retreats visit The Flow Tribe
Music by Gareth Quinn Redmond
If you would like to support the production of this podcast, you can do so by becoming a member on Patreon for a small monthly donation

Sunday Jan 16, 2022
Ep 42 Breath Stacking - Breathing for Lung Health
Sunday Jan 16, 2022
Sunday Jan 16, 2022
Breath stacking is a technique that is often used to help people with breathing issues build strength and space in their lungs and breathing muscles. It is also encouraged for people recovering from Covid 19. This technique involves 'stacking' the inhales, taking in a little more air than usual, to expand the lungs and the ribcage
Please consult a doctor if you have any issues that effect your breathing before undertaking any breathwork practice
If you find value in this podcast and would like to support its production, you can do so by becoming a member on patreon for a small monthly donation. As a thank you patreon members get access to additional yoga and breathwork content

Saturday Jan 01, 2022
Ep 41 Let It Be - A Grounding Breathing Practice
Saturday Jan 01, 2022
Saturday Jan 01, 2022
In mindfulness, there is a distinction made between two states of mind - the doing mode and the being mode. The doing mode is characterised by problem solving and activity. The being mode is a state of mind where we allow things to be as they are. Both are important, but if we spent too much time in the doing mode it can be draining, and it is often not the best way to support our inner well being. Our breathing can be a lovely way to access the being mode, and this practice is based on this
Music by Gareth Quinn Redmond
If you like to support the production of this podcast you can do so by becoming a member on patreon for a small monthly donation

Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Ep 40 Breathing to Help Alleviate Stress - 4 .2. 6. Breathing
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
In this episode, we practice a simple breathing rhythm to help counter the effects of stress and move us to a calmer place
The podcast is taking a break for a little while, which I talk about for the first few minutes. If you'd like to skip straight to the practice, it begins at 3.34
Music by Gareth Quinn Redmond

Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Ep 39 A Chat with Nick Heath - The Breathing Diabetic
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
In this episode I had the pleasure of chatting with Nick Heath. Nick is a scientist and breathwork practitioner also known as The Breathing Diabetic. He promotes the benefits of breathwork for diabetics, while also blogging about his own experiences practice breathwork. He is a passionate researcher, and he shares his finds through his amazing weekly newsletter and instagram page. In this chat, we talked about how Nick found breathwork, his experiences with the Wim Hof method and the Oxygen Advantage, the benefits of taking a flexible approach to breathwork, and breathing as the compound interest of health and wellness. Nick also mentions some resources he has found useful, which are linked to below
Music by Gareth Quinn Redmond

Sunday Nov 14, 2021
Ep 38 So Hum Meditation
Sunday Nov 14, 2021
Sunday Nov 14, 2021
So Hum is a breath focused mantra meditation. A mantra is a sound used to focus the mind in meditation, and So Hum naturally synchs with our breathing, making it an accessible technique for cultivating focus and presence
Music by Gareth Quinn Redmond
You can support the production of this podcast by becoming a member on patreon for a small monthly donation. As a thank you, patreon members get access to additional breathwork content and practices

Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Ep 37 Surya Bhedana Pranayama - Heating and Energizing Breathing
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Surya Bhedana Pranayama is one of the classical breathing techniques of Hatha Yoga. It involves breathing in through the right nostril, and out through the left. It is a variation on Alternate Nostril Breathing which aims to stimulate the Pingala nadi, an energy channel that in hatha yoga is linked to the sun, heat and activity. Modern studies have shown that the right nostril is linked with the left side of the brain, which is sometimes associated with linear, rational thinking, and the sympathetic nervous system, the part of our nervous system that mobilizes us for action

Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Ep 36 - Breathing and Fear
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
This episode is about how our breathing relates to fear, and how we can use our breathing to manage emotions like fear, anxiety and worry. Breathwork is not a cure for everything, and unfortunately changing our breathing won't fix everything. But often, it's not a bad place to start
Music by Gareth Quinn Redmond, who recently released a beautiful new album 'Oscailte'

Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Ep 35 Chandra Bhedana - Calming Left Nostril Breathing
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
In this episode we look at Chandra Bhedana, a variation on Alternate Nostril Breathing (which was covered in more detail in episode 17). For Chandra Bhedana we breathe in through the left nostril and out through the right nostril. In Yoga, this is thought to stimulate the Ida nadi, the energy channel that is linked to the moon, the parasympathetic nervous system, introspective behaviour, and the right side of the brain. This technique can help move us into a more calm, receptive state, and can be really nice to practice before bed, before meditation, after a big meal, or anytime to feel a little anxious

Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Ep 34 Bonus - A Mindful Breathing Practice with Dr Matt Dewar
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
A mindful breathing practice lead by Dr Matt Dewar on episode 34